The other day I was watching one of those "Funniest Home Video" programs, when they showed two young children running into the house. The first child was somewhat ahead fo the second, giving him time to close the clear glass patio door. The second child was paying attention to the person running the camera and did not notice the closed door. The result was inevitable; she crashed into the door and fell to the ground. I laughed a bit and then thought about how life sometimes closes a door in front of us without us seeing or even paying attention and we run headlong into a closed path.
How many of us have had that door close just as we thought the path ahead was clear? Closed doors come in many different disguises, divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, car accident, illness, drop in income, end of a relationship, job transfer, and on and on. When that happens, we have a choice to go into a corner and have a "pity party", look for other pity parties to join, or look forward to the next path. When we indulge in pity parties we lose valuable time and precious energy. We look at the half empty glass, and wonder why it is not full. Why did this happen to me? How come others get ahead and I don't? When is it my turn?
When you ask your subconscious mind a question it will give you the answer that corresponds directly to the question asked. Asking the question, "Why does this always happen to me?" will order the subconscious mind to locate and respond with all of the negative reasons this always happens. It will pull out of the files all of the past negative experiences causing a continual downward spiral in your mental process.
If asking a negative question will result in a negative response then the opposite should be true as well, ask a positive question - get a positive response.
The greatest attribute that we have is the power to control our thoughts. Let me repeat that, "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS!" Negative thoughts create negative actions and postive thoughts create positive actions. You must watch your thoughts as they become your words. You must watch must watch your words as they become your actions. You must watch your actions as they become your habits. You must watch your habits as they direct your destiny!
I often reflect on statements made in our society that casue major conflicts within - "Back to the salt mines" or "Working in the trenches". Personal statements such as "The old ball and chain", "The old battle axe", "The rugrats" or "The 'In-Laws". These epithets cause a visualization sequence in our subconscious minds that create negative responses. We hear them, say them and even joke about them, but what we do not so is avoid them!
Your own negative thinking is ten times more damaging than any outside negative influence. It has been said that we must stand guard at the door of our mind. We may think that we are doing a good job guarding our own thoughts and yet we are bombarded with negatives from everywhere: radio, television, neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.
We have the power to overcome these shakles. This is wehre we step up to the plate and play the game or become stadium junkies. Understand that there are no sideline games, you are either a player or a fan - your life is an occasion, rise to it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You are the only one that can change your attitude! Adopt an attitude of gratitude of abundance mentality and possibility thinking.
You must have resilience to overcome personal misfortunes, discouragement, rejection, negatives and disappointment. You must recognize and accept that your greatness will be made possible through the extremes that sometimes make for "campfire tales and legendary stories". You must be committed to persevere even in the face of opposition and challenge. You must be determined to apply massive common sense in solving complex issues.
I found a poem some years ago, author unknown to me, that I read often. Let me share it with you:
A man is a great as the dreams he dreams
as great as the love he bares
as great as the values he redeems
and the happiness he shares
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks
as the work he has attained
as the fountains at which his spirit drinks
and the insight he has gained
A man is as great as the truth he speaks
as great as the help he gives
as great as the destiny he seeks
as great as the life he lives
Perseverance is a great element in success - "If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the door you are sure to wake up someone!"
How many of us have had that door close just as we thought the path ahead was clear? Closed doors come in many different disguises, divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, car accident, illness, drop in income, end of a relationship, job transfer, and on and on. When that happens, we have a choice to go into a corner and have a "pity party", look for other pity parties to join, or look forward to the next path. When we indulge in pity parties we lose valuable time and precious energy. We look at the half empty glass, and wonder why it is not full. Why did this happen to me? How come others get ahead and I don't? When is it my turn?
When you ask your subconscious mind a question it will give you the answer that corresponds directly to the question asked. Asking the question, "Why does this always happen to me?" will order the subconscious mind to locate and respond with all of the negative reasons this always happens. It will pull out of the files all of the past negative experiences causing a continual downward spiral in your mental process.
If asking a negative question will result in a negative response then the opposite should be true as well, ask a positive question - get a positive response.
The greatest attribute that we have is the power to control our thoughts. Let me repeat that, "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS!" Negative thoughts create negative actions and postive thoughts create positive actions. You must watch your thoughts as they become your words. You must watch must watch your words as they become your actions. You must watch your actions as they become your habits. You must watch your habits as they direct your destiny!
I often reflect on statements made in our society that casue major conflicts within - "Back to the salt mines" or "Working in the trenches". Personal statements such as "The old ball and chain", "The old battle axe", "The rugrats" or "The 'In-Laws". These epithets cause a visualization sequence in our subconscious minds that create negative responses. We hear them, say them and even joke about them, but what we do not so is avoid them!
Your own negative thinking is ten times more damaging than any outside negative influence. It has been said that we must stand guard at the door of our mind. We may think that we are doing a good job guarding our own thoughts and yet we are bombarded with negatives from everywhere: radio, television, neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.
We have the power to overcome these shakles. This is wehre we step up to the plate and play the game or become stadium junkies. Understand that there are no sideline games, you are either a player or a fan - your life is an occasion, rise to it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You are the only one that can change your attitude! Adopt an attitude of gratitude of abundance mentality and possibility thinking.
You must have resilience to overcome personal misfortunes, discouragement, rejection, negatives and disappointment. You must recognize and accept that your greatness will be made possible through the extremes that sometimes make for "campfire tales and legendary stories". You must be committed to persevere even in the face of opposition and challenge. You must be determined to apply massive common sense in solving complex issues.
I found a poem some years ago, author unknown to me, that I read often. Let me share it with you:
A man is a great as the dreams he dreams
as great as the love he bares
as great as the values he redeems
and the happiness he shares
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks
as the work he has attained
as the fountains at which his spirit drinks
and the insight he has gained
A man is as great as the truth he speaks
as great as the help he gives
as great as the destiny he seeks
as great as the life he lives
Perseverance is a great element in success - "If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the door you are sure to wake up someone!"
1 comment:
You inspired me to find the author of the following poem:
“A man is as great as the dreams he dreams, As great as the love he bears; As great as the values he redeems, And the happiness he shares. A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks, As the worth he has attained; As the fountains at which his spirit drinks And the insight he has gained. A man is as great as the truth he speaks, As great as the help he gives, As great as the destiny he seeks, As great as the life he lives.”
C.E. Flynn
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