How many of you have watched the video or read the book - "the Secret"? The Law of Attraction was brought to the attention of the world through this great work. Great people, authors, ministers, motivational mentors and the like were brought together to share their views on this very powerful Law.
The Law of Attraction stats that you will attract into your life the things that you focus on. I may be simplifying it a bit, yet that is the concept. You create a thought and a vision of what you want in your life and keep it in front of you so wherever you turn you focus your attention on that which you are seeking. The Law of Attraction works in every are of your life, with people, places, and things.
Let's say that you want a better position at work, the Secret says that you must focus your positive attention on that - a better position - you create a visual, a vision board of the new office, the new executive assistant bringing you coffee or your mail. Having lunch with the "suits" (a term from the great Michael J. Fox movie - Secret of My Success) and on and on. You create such a clear and vivid picture and "throw it out to the universe" and let the energies go to work. Then miraculously things begin to change for you at work, the manager above you gets a promotion, a transfer or quits and low and behold you are promoted to that better position.
You want a million dollars... you create the vision of what that amount of money looks like. You buy a poster that says "my first million" which is a stack of printed money. You print small labels - "one million dollars" and post them on the fridge, your bathroom mirror, and on your computer screen at the office. You visualize it as you close your eyes to sleep each night and say to the universe - "I am worthy of the money"!
All of this is awesome except for one major secret BEFORE the secret.... and that secret is this.....
You must understand your internal programming first before you will attract anything!
What does that mean? Simply this, what are your beliefs about money? Do you truly believe that you deserve the money, the better position, the new expensive car, the gorgeous partner? How do you see yourself? What does your internal programming tell you everyday? What are your conversations like when you talk to yourself? Do you feel that you deserve success?
are your internal programs holding you back? Were you taught that money is the root of all evil and having it will make you evil? Were you programmed that because you were born on the "wrong" side of the tracks that you will never amount to anything? Did you grow up over weight and were told that "people who look like you".... were your grades in school less than others and you were titled "stupid" or the "last in your class".....
What are your internal programs telling you?
The Law of Attraction is real and will attract exactly what you want, however, if your previous internal programs are still active and not deleted or replaced then you will NEVER attract the same things that you envision! You will attract what those old non-servicing programs will demand from the universe!
In my book "Open Your Destiny" I wish to share this with as many that will listen. This world is so willing to give us anything and everything we desire, we simply need to ask. The bible says "ask and ye shall receive"... What a simple concept!
I believe that a life of abundance is driven by the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Attraction will only bring true and pure abundance with a belief in self! It is all based on how we see ourselves, our self image and then how we define our programming.
Take time to discover who you are and create a life of abundance!
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