I am pleased to announce the launch of my newest program - www.openyourdestiny.com and the Destiny Mastery Series!
There is a continual buzz about the blockbuster movie and book "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction. Long before the Secret brought attention to the law of attraction, I was living my life based on its principles! However, unlike the message presented in the book and movie, I believe that you must understand another secret - A SECRET BEFORE THE SECRET!
That secret is understanding your internal programming before you can direct the Law of Attraction in your life.
What do I mean about directing the law of attraction?
The Law of Attraction is constantly running, it is not a matter of turning it on or off! We are attracting things into our lives every second! The issue is to begin attracting only those things that will greatly enhance our lives and move us forward. Only by understanding our past can we unlock our future! That doesn't mean to we need to see a counselor that tells us "lie on the couch and tell me about your mother" as Sigmund Frued did. It means that we have to look at what our beliefs are about everything in our lives at any given moment.
In other words, what are your beliefs about money, marriage, relationships, career, work, children, family, spiritual, religion, health, exercise, type of clothes, type of house, school, education, meditation, the economy, your community, yourself, your image, jewelry, global warming, politics, parents, in-laws, smoking, alcohol, and on and on and on. It is these beliefs that are attracting into your life exactly what you need. So the question then becomes.... are these beliefs serving me and attracting all the positives.... or hindering me and attracting all the negatives?
As a child we were molded after our parents, teachers, friends, pastors, bishops, family etc. Yet now as an adult you must look at that molding and truly decide if it is the way you want to be. Do you believe in you?
There are no reasons - logical or illogical - as to why you should not be living a life of abundance right now! This life will give you exactly what you choose to attract and receive. Did you catch that? What YOU CHOOSE - yet too many of us will allow others to choose for us and sit back and do nothing, or will sit back and complain about it and yet do nothing to change it!
For over a decade I have searched for answers as to why things are what they are, and at last I have discovered the answer! The answer is a secret before the secret - understanding your past to unlock your future!
So, I am so pleased to launch www.openyourdestiny.com and the Destiny Mastery Series!
Please join me and change your life forever! Remember that a Life of Abundance is driven by the Law of Attraction and the Law of Attraction is fueled by an understanding and belief in self.
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