How many times do you run on auto-pilot and then think why in the world did I do that or act that way? How many habits do you have that you would like to not have, yet do not know why, where or how you picked them up? Maybe you were brought up a certain way and continue today with the same programming that is not serving you.
Think about it for a minute! You function every second, every minute of everyday based on programs within your brain that cause you do perform a certain way. Everyday you arise and go through routines - let the dog out, start the coffee, shower, shave, dress, eat breakfast, drink coffee, read the paper, get the kids up, get the kids ready for school, get the kids breakfast, help your spouse get ready for work, get yourself ready for work, turn on the television, listen to the news, drive the same route to work, turn on your computer, read your email, talk to co-workers, and on and on and on..... yet most of the time you never think about any of these things, why?
You have programmed yourself into these routines, and now you set back and let the routines run you. That is the way it is to be, the way you were taught or not taught so you programmed yourself. Whatever the case, the fact is that we all run on programs!
Enter now the wave of "the Secret" and the Law of Attraction and all its hype! The Law of Attraction is a universal law, meaning that is has always existed, nothing new, has always been around. The difference now is that the message is getting out that we must learn to focus on what we want in order to engage the Law of Attraction for what we want in our life instead of allowing our programs to attract things into our lives.
What does that mean? It means that you are always attracting things into your life even without focusing on them. You have heard of "Karma" and "What goes around comes around" - the Law of Attraction will bring into your life whatever is needed for you at any given moment. You do not even have to think about it with your active programs, they have already sent out the signal and you are reaping what was sowed. You may be looking at your life and saying - "I sure didn't attract this or want this in my life!" "How can you say I wanted to lose my job and create a financial nightmare for me and my family?" "You are an idiot Dr. Williams to say that all of this depression was brought into my life because of my thinking!"
I am here to say "that is exactly what I am saying!" Why... there is a great book printed years ago, "As a man thinketh" - what you think about you will gravitate to and or attract into your life. I remember reading a story about the serial killer Ted Bundy, he said that it all started with pornographic magazines then went to videos and then went to the real thing and that he couldn't get enough or satisfy his drive. Dahlmer was another example, his obsession with torturing and killing animals lead to unspeakable horrors! Those are two dark and horrible examples, yet expose my point. Let's look at a couple of awesome examples - Walt Disney always knew that he was destined to create the best animation and never stopped until he did. Laying it all on the line for Snow White he drew on the Law of Attraction and rolled the dice - it worked! Later on he said that he wanted to create a park where parents could come with their children and spend the day together, he succeeded. Take Farrah Gray, a young African-American living in the projects with his single mom and brothers. He was told from the start that he was destined for greatness! Before he turned 20 he was a millionaire! Wrote his first book "Reallionaire" a best seller, was on CNN, Oprah, Good Morning America and many more. He continues today to inspire young entrepreneurs and is an inspiration to thousands! When I spoke with him years ago, he was a very grateful and humble young man (and still is today) who simply correctly engaged his focus and thus the Law of Attraction brought those things into his life.
So let's look at what it takes to correctly engage the Law of Attraction in your life...
To do that you have to understand your past - understand what makes you tick and what your programs are that drive your daily routines. Start by writing down definitions of topics in your life - what does spiritual mean? what does job security mean? how much money makes you rich? what do you feel about money? what does it mean to be a father, dad, mother, mom, husband, wife... write everything down and see where you are spot on with your programs or where you need to change.
Only by understanding your past will you be able to correctly engage the Law of Attraction and unlock your future!
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