Saturday, February 11, 2012
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wealth and Riches Training (WRT) is looking for a silent partner. In trade for partnership we are seeking capital (50K to 100K). WRT is a real estate investing coaching company that will travel internationally teaching current real estate investing techniques. If interested please contact us immediately.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Listed below are 5 cities poised to have bounced back from the current recession. The criteria for recovery was affordability, low rate of foreclosures, home price appreciation (according to the National Association of Realtors), and a strong job market and low unemployment.
#5 Charleston, WV
Foreclosures: 1 in every 3,784 Homes
Unemployment: 7.4%
Median Home Price: $123,000
Median Home Prices Down from 2008: 1.2%
#4 Memphis, TN
Foreclosures: 1 in every 397 Homes
Unemployment: 10%
Median Home Price: $121,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 20.6%
#3 Phoenix, AZ
Foreclosures: 1 in every 150 Homes
Unemployment: 8.2%
Median Home Price: $144,000
Median Home Prices Down from 2008: 7.7%
#2 Pittsburgh, PA
Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,147 Homes
Unemployment: 7.8%
Median Home Price: $114,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 4.8%
#1 San Francisco, CA
Foreclosures: 1 in every 743 Homes
Unemployment: 8.2%
Median Home Price: $550,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 13.3%
#5 Charleston, WV
Foreclosures: 1 in every 3,784 Homes
Unemployment: 7.4%
Median Home Price: $123,000
Median Home Prices Down from 2008: 1.2%
#4 Memphis, TN
Foreclosures: 1 in every 397 Homes
Unemployment: 10%
Median Home Price: $121,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 20.6%
#3 Phoenix, AZ
Foreclosures: 1 in every 150 Homes
Unemployment: 8.2%
Median Home Price: $144,000
Median Home Prices Down from 2008: 7.7%
#2 Pittsburgh, PA
Foreclosures: 1 in every 1,147 Homes
Unemployment: 7.8%
Median Home Price: $114,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 4.8%
#1 San Francisco, CA
Foreclosures: 1 in every 743 Homes
Unemployment: 8.2%
Median Home Price: $550,000
Median Home Prices Up from 2008: 13.3%
Thursday, March 25, 2010
"There are approximately 3.6 MILLION homes sold every year! Only 67% of eligible people own a home in the USA. That leaves about 75 MILLION people who don't own a home that want to. Do you know the success strategies to put yourself in the middle of those numbers and generate a six figure income for your family?"
"FHA is preparing to activate new guidelines on April 5, 2010. These new guidelines restrict home seller's allowances and increase the MIP - thus creating it more difficult for buyers to qualify for traditional home loans! Do you know the success strategies needed to continue to generate money in real estate investing?"
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Monday, February 2, 2009
2008 was a year of mixed feelings, emotions and views. Many lost jobs, income and houses. Loss created stress, pain, anger and confusion and even death. The world economy seem to heave like a tsunami. Oil prices increased at warp speed causing another massive surge through every industry... airfare increases, consumer goods increased because the trucking industry was forced to increase cargo prices. Many consumer were forced to walk to work, bike to work, bus to work, and take a second or third job just to pay for normal life needed products. Then came the job cutbacks, layoffs, reductions, shorter work weeks, etc. All hope seem to be slipping fast into a very dark black hole.
Then we clicked over into 2009 and people began working on their New Year's resolutions, goals and commitments. New vision was being conceived and has started to bring forth new fruit. Are we still experiencing layoffs, reductions, confusion and stress? Absolutely, yet there seems to be a new hope surging.
Why? What is causing all of this new hope?
The simple answer is people are beginning to ask for the change. Not just asking the government for change, they are asking themselves for change, and most importantly they are asking the Infinite Intelligence for change. The Holy Bible says - "Ye have not because ye ask not" - Napoleon Hill states in "Think and Grow Rich" - What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.
Let's break that down -
What the mind:
the creating force, the management center, the receiver of inspiration, the vision center, the imagination mover, etc
of man can conceive:
create, imagine, envision, see, inspiration, develop, blueprint, plan, dream, ask, etc.
and believe:
faith, trust, follow, know, forgive, give into, etc.
it can achieve:
accomplish, produce, create, build, give, destroy, expand, win, finish, etc.
Only by giving into true faith in abudance through the Universe, the Infinite Intelligence, asking for and believing in can we achieve. We stand in front of a new, fresh, blank canvas every moment to create what we choose. We have the power to control every thought, every emotion, every moment. That power is within each of us from the beginning. We choose how to react, how to see things and events, how to move forward. No one can take any of that away from us, UNLESS, we give them permission to.
2009 is a building year, a new canvas. It is not up to our government to give us permission to dream, to conceive. It is up to each one of us. Imagination, as Albert Einstein taught, is the most important attribute within. We could change the wording from Napoleon Hill and say "What the mind of man can IMAGINE and HAVE TRUE FAITH it can CREATE!
STOP giving up your power!
Ask for everything! Ask for you territories or boundaries to be expanded, ask for strength, ask for opportunities, ask for vision, ask for peace of heart and clarity of mind, ask and ye shall receive. This is your time and your season. Everything exists for abundance and not scarcity - however, abundance does not mean waste or wasteful. Be mindful of your what you receive and make sure that you are a true conduit to pass it on to others. We are all on this rock, called earth, together and together we imagine the pure change for the best for all.
I imagine abudance for one and all!
Then we clicked over into 2009 and people began working on their New Year's resolutions, goals and commitments. New vision was being conceived and has started to bring forth new fruit. Are we still experiencing layoffs, reductions, confusion and stress? Absolutely, yet there seems to be a new hope surging.
Why? What is causing all of this new hope?
The simple answer is people are beginning to ask for the change. Not just asking the government for change, they are asking themselves for change, and most importantly they are asking the Infinite Intelligence for change. The Holy Bible says - "Ye have not because ye ask not" - Napoleon Hill states in "Think and Grow Rich" - What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.
Let's break that down -
What the mind:
the creating force, the management center, the receiver of inspiration, the vision center, the imagination mover, etc
of man can conceive:
create, imagine, envision, see, inspiration, develop, blueprint, plan, dream, ask, etc.
and believe:
faith, trust, follow, know, forgive, give into, etc.
it can achieve:
accomplish, produce, create, build, give, destroy, expand, win, finish, etc.
Only by giving into true faith in abudance through the Universe, the Infinite Intelligence, asking for and believing in can we achieve. We stand in front of a new, fresh, blank canvas every moment to create what we choose. We have the power to control every thought, every emotion, every moment. That power is within each of us from the beginning. We choose how to react, how to see things and events, how to move forward. No one can take any of that away from us, UNLESS, we give them permission to.
2009 is a building year, a new canvas. It is not up to our government to give us permission to dream, to conceive. It is up to each one of us. Imagination, as Albert Einstein taught, is the most important attribute within. We could change the wording from Napoleon Hill and say "What the mind of man can IMAGINE and HAVE TRUE FAITH it can CREATE!
STOP giving up your power!
Ask for everything! Ask for you territories or boundaries to be expanded, ask for strength, ask for opportunities, ask for vision, ask for peace of heart and clarity of mind, ask and ye shall receive. This is your time and your season. Everything exists for abundance and not scarcity - however, abundance does not mean waste or wasteful. Be mindful of your what you receive and make sure that you are a true conduit to pass it on to others. We are all on this rock, called earth, together and together we imagine the pure change for the best for all.
I imagine abudance for one and all!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This speech was given by Dr. King just before is untimely death. As I read it I was moved, first by the fact that it was given to Jr. High School level children, what great insight to start early with youth to give direction. Secondly, I found Dr. King's comments of not allowing anyone to tell you who you should be or how you should be extremely important.
Life is not a popularity contest and when you have a blueprint for your life or business you in essence have put on the blinders to stay focused on your calling.
Enjoy these words from Dr. King...
Six months before he was assassinated, King spoke to a group of students at Barratt Junior Hight School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967.
I want to ask you a question, and that is: What is your life's blueprint?
Whenever a building is constructed, you usually have an architect who draws a bluepring, and that blueprint serves as the pattern, as the guide, and a building is not well erected without a good, solid blueprint.
Now each of you is in the process of building the structure of your lives, and the question is whether you have a proper, a solid and a sound blueprint.
I want to suggest some of the things that should begin your life's blueprint. Number one in your life's blueprint, should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your worth and your own somebodiness. Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you're nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has ultimate significance.
Secondly, in your life's blueprint you must have as the basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You're going to be deciding as the days, as the years, unfold what you will do in life - what your life's work will be. Set out to do it well.
And I say to you, my young friends, doors are opening to you - doors of opportunities that were not open to your mothers and your fathers - and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to face these doors as they open.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great essayist, said in a lecture in 1871, "If a man can write a better book or preach a better sermon or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, even if he builds his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door."
This hasn't always been true - but it will become increasingly true, and so I would urge you to study hard, to burn the midnight oil; I would say to you, don't drop out of school. I understand all the sociological reasons, but I urge you that in spite of your economic plight, in spite of the situation that you're forced to live in - stay in school.
And when you discover what you will be in your life, set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do it. Don't just set out to do a good job. Set out to do such a good job that the living, the dead or the unborn couldn't do it any better.
If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures, sweep streets like Beethoven composed music, sweep streets like Leontyne Price sings before the Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say: Here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well. If you can't be a pine at the top of the hill, be a shrub in the valley. Be the best little shrub on the side of the hill.
Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be a sun, be a star. For it isn't by size that you win or fail. Be the best of whatever you are.
- From the estate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Secret before the Secret by RG Williams
How many of you have watched the video or read the book - "the Secret"? The Law of Attraction was brought to the attention of the world through this great work. Great people, authors, ministers, motivational mentors and the like were brought together to share their views on this very powerful Law.
The Law of Attraction stats that you will attract into your life the things that you focus on. I may be simplifying it a bit, yet that is the concept. You create a thought and a vision of what you want in your life and keep it in front of you so wherever you turn you focus your attention on that which you are seeking. The Law of Attraction works in every are of your life, with people, places, and things.
Let's say that you want a better position at work, the Secret says that you must focus your positive attention on that - a better position - you create a visual, a vision board of the new office, the new executive assistant bringing you coffee or your mail. Having lunch with the "suits" (a term from the great Michael J. Fox movie - Secret of My Success) and on and on. You create such a clear and vivid picture and "throw it out to the universe" and let the energies go to work. Then miraculously things begin to change for you at work, the manager above you gets a promotion, a transfer or quits and low and behold you are promoted to that better position.
You want a million dollars... you create the vision of what that amount of money looks like. You buy a poster that says "my first million" which is a stack of printed money. You print small labels - "one million dollars" and post them on the fridge, your bathroom mirror, and on your computer screen at the office. You visualize it as you close your eyes to sleep each night and say to the universe - "I am worthy of the money"!
All of this is awesome except for one major secret BEFORE the secret.... and that secret is this.....
You must understand your internal programming first before you will attract anything!
What does that mean? Simply this, what are your beliefs about money? Do you truly believe that you deserve the money, the better position, the new expensive car, the gorgeous partner? How do you see yourself? What does your internal programming tell you everyday? What are your conversations like when you talk to yourself? Do you feel that you deserve success?
are your internal programs holding you back? Were you taught that money is the root of all evil and having it will make you evil? Were you programmed that because you were born on the "wrong" side of the tracks that you will never amount to anything? Did you grow up over weight and were told that "people who look like you".... were your grades in school less than others and you were titled "stupid" or the "last in your class".....
What are your internal programs telling you?
The Law of Attraction is real and will attract exactly what you want, however, if your previous internal programs are still active and not deleted or replaced then you will NEVER attract the same things that you envision! You will attract what those old non-servicing programs will demand from the universe!
In my book "Open Your Destiny" I wish to share this with as many that will listen. This world is so willing to give us anything and everything we desire, we simply need to ask. The bible says "ask and ye shall receive"... What a simple concept!
I believe that a life of abundance is driven by the Law of Attraction, and the Law of Attraction will only bring true and pure abundance with a belief in self! It is all based on how we see ourselves, our self image and then how we define our programming.
Take time to discover who you are and create a life of abundance!
Friday, October 10, 2008
I received a YouTube video "The Second American Revolution" and I strongly recommend that everyone, everywhere - watch it, and then get off your butt and do something about it! Everyone is watching Wall Street and the World Economies and running like scared children from a "falling sky"
Or maybe you are the person that is content to allow others to control your life, dictate how much money you make, why it makes sense to overtax some and then give that overage to those that refuse to work, or be accountable for the destructive health habits... dictate what food you eat, clothes you wear, where you live, where your children go to school, what your children learn in school... maybe you are the person that says "I don't want to draw attention to me, so I won't do anything, let someone else take care of me and my family" - maybe you think it is ok to be a sheep and you can't stand those who use their voice, those who refuse to let others do things for them... I don't know who you are - BUT - you do!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What Makes A Great President? by Dr. RG Williams
It has been awhile since my last post - I have been traveling quite a lot laying the foundation for my new "Global Life Awareness Network" - once it is ready I will announce it here and give everyone the link.
Recently my wife and I were talking about the upcoming Presidential election for the United States and she shared with me an article from "Women's Home Journal" which I want to share with you.
"What Makes A Great President? For more than a year America has been in the process of choosing its next president. The candidates have been endlessly inspected, dissected, analyzed and debated.
Impossible expectations have been created because most people mistakenly think that the president's role is to manage the nation's problems. The reality is that a president's ability to manage is restricted by our Constitution, Congress, the courts, the states and local communities. Still, the president's role is to lead. So what makes a great leader?
The foundation of leadership is not competence or charisma, but character. Charismatic people are often assumed to be the best leaders, but it's a trait that can be used for good or evil. Three of the most charismatic leaders of the 20th century - Hitler, Mao and Stalin - were also its worst, destroying the lives of millions. Without character, charisma becomes a menace, used to manipulate situations for selfish reasons. Whether leading in business, education, politics or family, character always trumps charisma.
What we desperately need in our leaders today is strong character. And while these six qualities aren't the only ones a president should possess, it's hard to be a great leader without them.
COMPASSION - Great leaders genuinely care for and love the people they lead more than they love leading itself. Leadership without love degenerates into self-serving manipulation.
A great example of someone who led with compassion is a little-known Jewish leader name Nehemiah. In 445 B.C. he assumed the dangerous task of rebuilding Jerusalem after a devastating war. When he heard about the living conditions in the city, he mourned, prayed and fasted for several days in order to identify with his people, who were facing food shortages, high taxes and threats of violence. Sound familiar?
Nehemiah's compassion propelled him to action. Love acts. Apathy ignores. Leadership begins the moment someone assumes responsibility for the pain of others.
CONTEMPLATION - True leaders don't just act, they think. Many leaders today are like poor photographs: overexposed and underdeveloped. Always being in the spotlight blinds you. It can be addictive and corrosive to one's character.
Great leaders build deep spiritual, emotional and intellectual reserves through prayer, quiet, reading and thinking about their responsibilities. They balance time spent in the public eye with time alone.
Nehemiah understood this. He thought through decisions, crises and criticisms, seeking a wider perspective. He didn't rush to a conclusion, knowing that making the right choice was far more important than making a fast one.
CHEERFULNESS - Great leaders inspire. They maintain a hopeful attitude, even in the face of discouraging setbacks, constant criticism and abundant opposition. People don't follow discouraged leaders. They follow those who persist with hope.
The basis of leading with cheerfulness is not found in denying reality, faking optimism or creating political spin. It's rooted in faith. Notable leaders keep on believing in what's right when everyone else wants to give in or give up. They believe in overcoming evil with good.
CONCENTRATION - Great leaders stay focused on their objectives. They pay attention to key issues and refuse to be distracted by less important ones. Our next president needs to examine the three or four most critical issues facing America, not an exhaustive agenda of secondary problems.
COURAGE - When recruiting men for his Antarctic expedition in 1913, Sir Ernest Shackleton placed an advertisement in the London newspaper that read: "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success." What he was saying was that only courageous people need apply; the same goes for the presidency.
When the situation requires it and the cause is worth the cost, leaders do not hesitate to take risks. When you must jump across a canyon, cautious small steps and vacillation won't work. Sometimes you just have to go for it. Genuine leaders are willing to pay that price. Attacking tough issues takes great courage because the solutions aren't always popular. Without courage, leaders are just slaves to shifting public opinion.
CLEAR CONSCIENCE - Some people believe that when it comes to their leaders, private lives don't matter, but we see in the media every day that that's not the case. Their sins may be personal, but they're definitely not private. These missteps crush credibility and followers' trust. Personal integrity is vital because leadership is always built on trust. The moment a leader loses that, he or she is no longer a leader - regardless of title of position."
Take a moment to re-read this article and then reflect on your choice for the next President of the United States of America. We are experiencing some of the most volatile economic times in the history of this great country. Never before have we had such great opportunities as well as we have right now.
My question to you is - "Are you in the game or on the sidelines watching" and " Do you know what game it is you are playing?"
You have total control of you and what you do to secure your family. What is your choice - play or watch?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I received this article via email today and thought it interesting enough to share....
Are you a Real Estate Professional? Maybe not, says IRS - by Diane Kennedy
"If you're a real estate investor who has ever taken a real estate loss on your tax return, there is a target on your back. Fo months, members on my Forum have been complaining about being selected for audit, and losing, based on the IRS's new set of real estate professional guidelines.
Under tax law, a "real estate professional" isn't always a licensed real estate agent or a broker. It's a tax classification, and it's an important one. As a regular real estate investor, you are limited to deducting $25,000 in passive losses each year, against your passive income. That amount begins phasing out once your taxable income tops $100,000 and disappears entirely when your income reaches $150,000. Real estate professionals have neither the dollar nor the income limitation, making this classification an important part of tax-planning.
When the market got hot, the number of real estate professionals shot up. But as the "tax gap" (the difference between taxes that should be paid and taxes that are paid) increases, government is looking for ways to turn things around, and this classification is squarely in the cross-hairs.
To meet the IRS requirements, you need two things: spend the majority of your working time spent performing qualified real estate activities (regardless of what you do), and rack up at least 750 hours. Qualified activities include "develop, redevelop, construct, reconstruct, acquire, convert, rent, operate, manage, lease or sell" real estate.
Practically speaking you won't make the cut if you work elsewhere and report full-time W-2 income. And there's a third hurdle: material participation. In a twist that can only make sense in the IRS world, real estate activities are one of two things: passive, or materially participating passive. If you have a passive loss, it can only be used against passive income. Period.
Materially participating passive losses, on the other hand, can be used against materially participating passive income and, in some cases, other income. This is where the power of the real estate professional classification come in: the ability to take the loss from real estate investments against other income. Unfortunately, what has been acceptable in the past, no longer is.
Here are three areas the IRS is focusing on right now:
Limited Partnership Interests: by definition, if you hold property in a limited partnership as a limited partner, you do not materially participate. This area is being hit hard, and the number of audits of limited partnerships has increased.
Failure to Aggregate Hours Worked: the material participation rule requires that you work 500 hours on each property you own, or make an election to aggregate all the properties together into a single 500-hour block. Fail to make this election, though, and you will run into trouble.
Failure to Meet 500 Hour Threshold: to get even the $25,000 deduction you've got to meet the 500-hour minimum, even if you aren't going for full real estate professional status. Fail to meet this requirement and your passive loss will be limited to the amount of your passive income.
But the biggest change that we're seeing is to the material participation rules, and what does and doesn't constitute a real estate activity. For example, managing real estate is a qualified activity, but managing real estate through a third-party property management company is being challenged. So if you live hundreds of miles away from your rental properties, be on the lookout for this type of question. Another is research. The hours spent on researching properties and markets is being challenged by the IRS who consider this a passive activity.
Proper records are also becoming vital. Anyone looking to claim this classification must be keeping a detailed time log of dates, locations and activities, preferably backed up with photographs or other evidence showing you hard at work.
Finally, frustrating everyone is the fact that in many cases the "new" IRS rules (which came out in December of 2007) are being applied after the fact, and made retroactive to 2007 and earlier - when the old rules were still in force. Both sides are appealing up to the Tax Court, hoping to either set a new precedent or rein in the IRS. Until the Tax court rules one way or another on whether or not the IRS can apply new rules to old earnings, we're in limbo. Reviewing your activities and taking steps to make sure your are in compliance with the new rules may be your best plan."
Diane Kennedy brings up solid points, yet the one thing that rings out loud and clear is the fact that we must all be aware of what is going on within our own affairs.
One thing that most of the Real Estate Gurus and instructors fail to mention is that you must treat this as a business and not a hobby. If real estate investing is going to be a hobby for you then you must understand that the IRS will only allow hobby deductions!
Make sure that you get GREAT legal counsel in setting up your business, have a GREAT accountant that is up to speed on the current rulings and last but not least - document, document, document everything you do as a self employed, hard worker!
I am amazed at how in America we must make tons of money in order to provide for our families, and yet when we do make tons of money we are penalized for making tons of money... but that is another seminar!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How many times do you run on auto-pilot and then think why in the world did I do that or act that way? How many habits do you have that you would like to not have, yet do not know why, where or how you picked them up? Maybe you were brought up a certain way and continue today with the same programming that is not serving you.
Think about it for a minute! You function every second, every minute of everyday based on programs within your brain that cause you do perform a certain way. Everyday you arise and go through routines - let the dog out, start the coffee, shower, shave, dress, eat breakfast, drink coffee, read the paper, get the kids up, get the kids ready for school, get the kids breakfast, help your spouse get ready for work, get yourself ready for work, turn on the television, listen to the news, drive the same route to work, turn on your computer, read your email, talk to co-workers, and on and on and on..... yet most of the time you never think about any of these things, why?
You have programmed yourself into these routines, and now you set back and let the routines run you. That is the way it is to be, the way you were taught or not taught so you programmed yourself. Whatever the case, the fact is that we all run on programs!
Enter now the wave of "the Secret" and the Law of Attraction and all its hype! The Law of Attraction is a universal law, meaning that is has always existed, nothing new, has always been around. The difference now is that the message is getting out that we must learn to focus on what we want in order to engage the Law of Attraction for what we want in our life instead of allowing our programs to attract things into our lives.
What does that mean? It means that you are always attracting things into your life even without focusing on them. You have heard of "Karma" and "What goes around comes around" - the Law of Attraction will bring into your life whatever is needed for you at any given moment. You do not even have to think about it with your active programs, they have already sent out the signal and you are reaping what was sowed. You may be looking at your life and saying - "I sure didn't attract this or want this in my life!" "How can you say I wanted to lose my job and create a financial nightmare for me and my family?" "You are an idiot Dr. Williams to say that all of this depression was brought into my life because of my thinking!"
I am here to say "that is exactly what I am saying!" Why... there is a great book printed years ago, "As a man thinketh" - what you think about you will gravitate to and or attract into your life. I remember reading a story about the serial killer Ted Bundy, he said that it all started with pornographic magazines then went to videos and then went to the real thing and that he couldn't get enough or satisfy his drive. Dahlmer was another example, his obsession with torturing and killing animals lead to unspeakable horrors! Those are two dark and horrible examples, yet expose my point. Let's look at a couple of awesome examples - Walt Disney always knew that he was destined to create the best animation and never stopped until he did. Laying it all on the line for Snow White he drew on the Law of Attraction and rolled the dice - it worked! Later on he said that he wanted to create a park where parents could come with their children and spend the day together, he succeeded. Take Farrah Gray, a young African-American living in the projects with his single mom and brothers. He was told from the start that he was destined for greatness! Before he turned 20 he was a millionaire! Wrote his first book "Reallionaire" a best seller, was on CNN, Oprah, Good Morning America and many more. He continues today to inspire young entrepreneurs and is an inspiration to thousands! When I spoke with him years ago, he was a very grateful and humble young man (and still is today) who simply correctly engaged his focus and thus the Law of Attraction brought those things into his life.
So let's look at what it takes to correctly engage the Law of Attraction in your life...
To do that you have to understand your past - understand what makes you tick and what your programs are that drive your daily routines. Start by writing down definitions of topics in your life - what does spiritual mean? what does job security mean? how much money makes you rich? what do you feel about money? what does it mean to be a father, dad, mother, mom, husband, wife... write everything down and see where you are spot on with your programs or where you need to change.
Only by understanding your past will you be able to correctly engage the Law of Attraction and unlock your future!
Monday, May 26, 2008

I am pleased to announce the launch of my newest program - and the Destiny Mastery Series!
There is a continual buzz about the blockbuster movie and book "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction. Long before the Secret brought attention to the law of attraction, I was living my life based on its principles! However, unlike the message presented in the book and movie, I believe that you must understand another secret - A SECRET BEFORE THE SECRET!
That secret is understanding your internal programming before you can direct the Law of Attraction in your life.
What do I mean about directing the law of attraction?
The Law of Attraction is constantly running, it is not a matter of turning it on or off! We are attracting things into our lives every second! The issue is to begin attracting only those things that will greatly enhance our lives and move us forward. Only by understanding our past can we unlock our future! That doesn't mean to we need to see a counselor that tells us "lie on the couch and tell me about your mother" as Sigmund Frued did. It means that we have to look at what our beliefs are about everything in our lives at any given moment.
In other words, what are your beliefs about money, marriage, relationships, career, work, children, family, spiritual, religion, health, exercise, type of clothes, type of house, school, education, meditation, the economy, your community, yourself, your image, jewelry, global warming, politics, parents, in-laws, smoking, alcohol, and on and on and on. It is these beliefs that are attracting into your life exactly what you need. So the question then becomes.... are these beliefs serving me and attracting all the positives.... or hindering me and attracting all the negatives?
As a child we were molded after our parents, teachers, friends, pastors, bishops, family etc. Yet now as an adult you must look at that molding and truly decide if it is the way you want to be. Do you believe in you?
There are no reasons - logical or illogical - as to why you should not be living a life of abundance right now! This life will give you exactly what you choose to attract and receive. Did you catch that? What YOU CHOOSE - yet too many of us will allow others to choose for us and sit back and do nothing, or will sit back and complain about it and yet do nothing to change it!
For over a decade I have searched for answers as to why things are what they are, and at last I have discovered the answer! The answer is a secret before the secret - understanding your past to unlock your future!
So, I am so pleased to launch and the Destiny Mastery Series!
Please join me and change your life forever! Remember that a Life of Abundance is driven by the Law of Attraction and the Law of Attraction is fueled by an understanding and belief in self.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Profile of Today's Real Estate Investor by RG Williams

Investing in Real Estate has always been a solid avenue to generate large amounts of income, monthly residual income and generational income. However, the profile of today's real estate investor has dramatically changed from days gone by.
When my mentor, Dr. A.D. Kessler risked his last $100 bill in the '40's after returning from the war, he knew that it was up to him to make things happen. He knew that no one would or could do it for him. He was responsible for his choice, his actions and had to keep himself accountable for it all. Dr. Kessler was the pioneer of creative real estate investing. He pioneered the seller financing strategies, the time share concept and was a powerhouse in the land development arena. His simple, straight forward, no hype and no nonsense approach of "What's in it for them" was his secret.
Today the new real estate investor is looking for the easy way out, they want someone else to do it for them. They are not looking for the "box of parts and instruction manual", they want the "financial hot rod" to be sitting in the garage and to be handed the keys. We have become such an instant gratification society, a "I want it now and by someone else's efforts" world.
Dr. Kessler taught me how to use a simple "casio" calculator with a pad of paper to create an offer. The importance of discovering what the seller wanted and why they were selling. Yet it was always up to me to perform and create my own history.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that we must use the technology available to us today! However, we need to keep it simply, and most importantly we need to be responsible and accountable for our actions and choices.
How many investors have been "caught with their pants down" during this downturn in the economy? How many of those caught are now blaming it all on their "coach" or "training program" that they purchased? What happen to taking time to learn, understanding and asking questions? What happened to learning what investments work best for your personality, or when and why to invest. With the previous few years before the decline, anyone could invest in real estate and make money. If you lived in California, Nevada, Arizona and Florida, you only had to "fog a mirror" as they say to secure a loan and then by the time you put together your marketing program and launched it, the appreciation created a financial whirlwind without much effort. Taking the time to understand market timing allowed an investor the opportunity to generate a fortune. It didn't matter what strategy to use, you would make money. Now, that the lending guidelines are tough and tight, an investor must think before investing.
I am not foolish enough to put all of the blame on the investor! I believe that a lot of the so called "training" companies or programs available to day do not give the student a fighting chance. I also believe that some of the training programs are worthless! Let's also address the fact that the "coaches" hired with some of these training companies are nothing more than college students that read from manuals with zero investing experience! The greatest challenge to the student is ... "how do you know?"
It really is very simple, the training program you purchase (and yes I believe that you need to purchase or invest into your own improvements - and not expect it to be given to you) should care about what you need. Better said they should discover some of your personality traits so as to customize a program best suited for you. That doesn't mean that the materials need to be different for every student, they can all be the same. It does mean, however, that they should understand you in order to better serve you and train you. For example, your personality may be one who's heart breaks with every story of a family losing their house in foreclosure, therefore making it more difficult to create success with the strategy of pre-foreclosure. Maybe your personality hinders you from knocking on a strangers door. Or maybe your personality is a strong one that allows you to help a foreclosure situation without emotional connection. That does not mean that you don't care, simply that you are strong and in control of your emotions. I know that my personality does not handle family stress like that and that I am better working with banks, agents and brokers where it all comes down to business.
Take the time to understand you, understand what makes you tick and where you will be the most effective when investing in Real Estate.
Real Estate will continue to be the strongest avenue to generate lump sums of cash, monthly cash flow and generational cash, so get involved and invest wisely.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
What is uPlej? The first social network of its kind! It is a social network with major twist, designed to raise money for your favorite charities! Uplej is bringing great charities such as Children's Miracle Network, Make A Wish Foundation, Rosas Humanitarian Foundation, 30Thirty Hayes Foundation, the Floyd Smith Foundation, Huntsman Cancer Institute, the American Red Cross and countless others, together for the good of all mankind.
How many of us want to donate money to charity, but don't know how or where. Maybe you don't have the surety that the money you donate will even get to the charity. Maybe you have limited funds that you can donate and thus do not feel you will make a difference. Or maybe with your limited funds you have to make a choice between three of your favorite causes....uPlej takes care of all of those concerns. What is so magical about uPlej is the fact that I can share it with others and when they join the network a portion of their donation goes to the charities I support. Log onto and discover the magic of giving for yourself.
For all of you that are skeptical with this or any other giving let me bend your ear for a minute.
There are several universal rules that you must understand about money. First of all, understand that money is neutral and does not care who owns it. Money makes good people great and bad people worse. Money is not the root of all evil, neither is the love of money the root of all evil - I believe that they lack of money is the root of all evil - poverty is the root of all evil. Why do I say that? Think about it... when you are without money and hungry what do you do? If you are without money and your child is hungry what do you do? When you don't have money and are being kicked out of your home what do you do?
I have invested in Real Estate for over a decade and when I invest in a house where the previous owners could not make the payments and were kicked out, almost always the interior of that house has been trashed! Holes in the walls, stoves pulled from the wall connections, burn marks in carpet, absolutely disgusting things left in bathrooms and toilets! These people were so mad at the mortgage lender because they were being kicked out of just because they didn't pay the bill! The lack of money brought out the true nature of these people! If they had enough money to pay the mortgage I wouldn't have bought the property from the bank at a massive discount.
The lack of Money is the root of evil!
But wait... there is another side to the story - chasing after money causes one to lose focus on what is truly important - LIFE!
A very close friend shared a song with me titled "American Dream". The words are so strong and drive home a very strong message - "I would rather live on a shack built on a rock than a mansion built on a bed of sand".
Folks understand what money is about! Take the time to learn about it, how it works and why it is so critical to chase your passions and not money. Money will follow you wherever you go once you ground yourself and pursue your passions. Learn the power of giving your money away, the power of charity, or tithing or whatever you title it. Read the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George S Clason - incredible book!
The more you give the more you get! What goes around comes around - PLUS!
uPlej is something that has been needed for generations and can only come about now with the miracle of technology and the internet. You owe to yourself to check out uPlej - and you owe to the charities - go to and join my network now!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Today's Economy - where is it going? by RG Williams
We are bombarded daily with news of high foreclosures, company layoffs, gas pricing rising, etc., etc., etc., What is going on? We hear that the Nation is headed for a recession, or that maybe it will slip a little more and then begin to rebound. We are in the midst of a war in the Mideast, waiting to discover who will be the front runners in the presidential election, being led by our current President who seems to have lost focus.... what should we do? I get up every morning and turn on the radio or the TV and receive constant reminders of all of these things and this morning it hit me! When I was swimming with dolphins in Puerto Vallarta Mexico last year they taught us to control our negative emotions and our fears so that the dolphins would interact with us better. They explained that the dolphins can feel the vibrations that we put off and enjoy being around happy vibrations and seem to avoid the negative ones. I thought about this as I was preparing for the day and thought how much of what we hear from the media do we sent back out into the energies with enhanced negative vibrations. Remember the great book "As a man thinketh"? What are we thinking and focusing on? Whatever you focus on or think about is what you will gravitate to. The bible says that what you throw out will come back to you ten fold. How many of us take the time to truly think about what we say, think and focus on? Are we experiencing some interesting times within our Nation? YES! But does that mean that they have to be negative? NO! Why on earth would you ever want to live your life with a negative cloud overhead? Why not invest the same amount of energy into building a life of positive excitement? Hold you head up high and shout out to the world that "THESE ARE THE BEST OF TIMES" - "THESE ARE THE GOOD OLD DAYS"!
There is so much being talked about regarding the Law of Attraction. Everywhere you go you see those words. The book "The Secret" did a awesome job of exposing us all to the Law of Attraction. What we all have to do is take it further. The Law of Attraction is in constant motion, it is always around us. You cannot think a thought without engaging this law. Eastern culture has always been in tune with this law and now the Western culture is beginning to understand it.
We are all striving to have a life of abundance, yet most of us do not understand what it takes to live that life. A life of abundance is driven by engaging the Law of Abundance and the Law of Abundance is powered by a belief in self! It all starts with what you feel inside about you! How do you feel about you! How do you talk to yourself? How do you treat yourself? How do you feel about your past? How do you feel about your future? How are you living your present?
I do not believe in yesterday or tomorrow, only in today! Every morning I wake up what do I call the day...TODAY! When I woke the day before what did I call it...TODAY! When I wake in the morning what will I call it...TODAY! Live for today, be happy today, do everything that you can today, make that call today, pray today, smile today, sing today, help a stranger out today, give more today, cry less today, exercise today, be proud today, support our country today, support our troops today, stand up for what you believe in today, listen today, open your destiny today!
Where is the economy going...? I don't know, but I do know where I am going today....DO YOU?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Who is Standing Guard? by RG Williams
Close your eyes and picture with me a busy open-air market in the heart of the former Incan Empire. Nearby, a semi-modern train stand waiting to take you on a four hour journey deep into the Andes Mountains. Boarding the train you notice descendants of the once great empire as well as travelers from all corners of the world.
The train ambles along as the scenery begins to change. You leave the high mountain city of Cuzco around 12,000 feet above sea level and descend through the mountain valleys to 5,000 feet. The terrain has become very green and quite beautiful.
You notice small villages with children running along side waving to you. The train track follows the river Urubamba as it makes its way to the final distination.
After four long hours of the monotonous hum of the train you arrive at the station. As you disembark you are apporached by peddlers of all sizes and age. Making your way to the waiting bus you look toward the sky to the ever high and forbidding mountain that awaits. The bus ride is quite a thrill as you ascend, twisting and turning straight up from 5,000 feet at the river to 7,000 feet at the top.
Once at the top you stand in amazement at the sight in front of you. here the Inca Indians built a protected city for their people, a city that was so guarded that it is said that no outsiders were ever able to penetrate the walls. The interesting thing about the city of Macchu Picchu is the fact that it is only 7,000 feet above sea level. The protection came from its three sides of sheer terrain making it virtually impossible to conquer.
Now travel with me to another continent and picture a very large building shaped as a castle. Here this country's queen and her family reside. There are posted guards outside the gate where every four hours the changing of the guards takes place to keep them fresh and prepared. Once again a fortress was built to protect its people. Going east from this country we find dominating fortresses dotting the landscape. From castles in Ireland to those in the Austrian Alps and throughout Germany. One can only marvel at the sight of the Great Wall of China.
The most interesting thing about fortresses is that there is only one way in for the outsider. Having only one entrance makes it a simpler task to protect. why would people and nations go to so much trouble to protect their leaders and their people? What is so important, so precious? It could be said that the fortresses were built by the stronger to rule and punish the weaker, or that a select few felt superior to others.
I think there is more to it than that, I think that the people knew that they needed leadership and needed to protect that leadership. Let's bring it closer to home, don't we go out every day to provide for our families and ourselves? Don't we dedicate ourselves to building a fortress to protect our loved ones? We take the time to improve our education, to working harder for a promotion, to saving a portion of our income for the future. We look forward to the day when we can stop all the hard work and look out over our families and know that we built a strong fortress for them. That is our reason for spending as much time we need to earn as much income as possible.
However, there is a fortress that is not being guarded very well and most people don't even realize it. this unguarded fortress is our own minds. We live in a time when things are coming at us fast and furiously and from many different directions. So many people want things to change and even attempt to change things themselves. It is an interesting phenomenon that more people are beginning to understand - you cannot change things externally until you change things internally. You must look at yourself, at the words you use, the quiet thoughts you have, the expressions you show and how you react to situations.
Over time I have been able to internalize those words. Of all the castles, fortresses and walls in the world there is nothing more critical or important than protecting and standing guard at the door of your mind.
Zig Zigler teaches us that you wouldn't let someone dump garbage in your front yard, so why would you ever let anyone dump their garbage in your mind! The greatest strength we have is to control what goes in our mind and what we allow to stay there. NOBODY can make you feel inferior, foolish or stupid unless you give them permission to do so!
Why do we work so hard to build our fortresses on the outside to protect our loved ones and yet neglect our most precious treasure, allowing anyone to tarnish and destroy us?
Keep close watch and guard the door of your mind and remember, "Life is not a popularity contest" you must stay focused on your goals, dreams and desires!
Monday, March 31, 2008
When the Going Gets Tough by RG Williams

The other day I was watching one of those "Funniest Home Video" programs, when they showed two young children running into the house. The first child was somewhat ahead fo the second, giving him time to close the clear glass patio door. The second child was paying attention to the person running the camera and did not notice the closed door. The result was inevitable; she crashed into the door and fell to the ground. I laughed a bit and then thought about how life sometimes closes a door in front of us without us seeing or even paying attention and we run headlong into a closed path.
How many of us have had that door close just as we thought the path ahead was clear? Closed doors come in many different disguises, divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, car accident, illness, drop in income, end of a relationship, job transfer, and on and on. When that happens, we have a choice to go into a corner and have a "pity party", look for other pity parties to join, or look forward to the next path. When we indulge in pity parties we lose valuable time and precious energy. We look at the half empty glass, and wonder why it is not full. Why did this happen to me? How come others get ahead and I don't? When is it my turn?
When you ask your subconscious mind a question it will give you the answer that corresponds directly to the question asked. Asking the question, "Why does this always happen to me?" will order the subconscious mind to locate and respond with all of the negative reasons this always happens. It will pull out of the files all of the past negative experiences causing a continual downward spiral in your mental process.
If asking a negative question will result in a negative response then the opposite should be true as well, ask a positive question - get a positive response.
The greatest attribute that we have is the power to control our thoughts. Let me repeat that, "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS!" Negative thoughts create negative actions and postive thoughts create positive actions. You must watch your thoughts as they become your words. You must watch must watch your words as they become your actions. You must watch your actions as they become your habits. You must watch your habits as they direct your destiny!
I often reflect on statements made in our society that casue major conflicts within - "Back to the salt mines" or "Working in the trenches". Personal statements such as "The old ball and chain", "The old battle axe", "The rugrats" or "The 'In-Laws". These epithets cause a visualization sequence in our subconscious minds that create negative responses. We hear them, say them and even joke about them, but what we do not so is avoid them!
Your own negative thinking is ten times more damaging than any outside negative influence. It has been said that we must stand guard at the door of our mind. We may think that we are doing a good job guarding our own thoughts and yet we are bombarded with negatives from everywhere: radio, television, neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.
We have the power to overcome these shakles. This is wehre we step up to the plate and play the game or become stadium junkies. Understand that there are no sideline games, you are either a player or a fan - your life is an occasion, rise to it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You are the only one that can change your attitude! Adopt an attitude of gratitude of abundance mentality and possibility thinking.
You must have resilience to overcome personal misfortunes, discouragement, rejection, negatives and disappointment. You must recognize and accept that your greatness will be made possible through the extremes that sometimes make for "campfire tales and legendary stories". You must be committed to persevere even in the face of opposition and challenge. You must be determined to apply massive common sense in solving complex issues.
I found a poem some years ago, author unknown to me, that I read often. Let me share it with you:
A man is a great as the dreams he dreams
as great as the love he bares
as great as the values he redeems
and the happiness he shares
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks
as the work he has attained
as the fountains at which his spirit drinks
and the insight he has gained
A man is as great as the truth he speaks
as great as the help he gives
as great as the destiny he seeks
as great as the life he lives
Perseverance is a great element in success - "If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the door you are sure to wake up someone!"
How many of us have had that door close just as we thought the path ahead was clear? Closed doors come in many different disguises, divorce, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, car accident, illness, drop in income, end of a relationship, job transfer, and on and on. When that happens, we have a choice to go into a corner and have a "pity party", look for other pity parties to join, or look forward to the next path. When we indulge in pity parties we lose valuable time and precious energy. We look at the half empty glass, and wonder why it is not full. Why did this happen to me? How come others get ahead and I don't? When is it my turn?
When you ask your subconscious mind a question it will give you the answer that corresponds directly to the question asked. Asking the question, "Why does this always happen to me?" will order the subconscious mind to locate and respond with all of the negative reasons this always happens. It will pull out of the files all of the past negative experiences causing a continual downward spiral in your mental process.
If asking a negative question will result in a negative response then the opposite should be true as well, ask a positive question - get a positive response.
The greatest attribute that we have is the power to control our thoughts. Let me repeat that, "WE HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS!" Negative thoughts create negative actions and postive thoughts create positive actions. You must watch your thoughts as they become your words. You must watch must watch your words as they become your actions. You must watch your actions as they become your habits. You must watch your habits as they direct your destiny!
I often reflect on statements made in our society that casue major conflicts within - "Back to the salt mines" or "Working in the trenches". Personal statements such as "The old ball and chain", "The old battle axe", "The rugrats" or "The 'In-Laws". These epithets cause a visualization sequence in our subconscious minds that create negative responses. We hear them, say them and even joke about them, but what we do not so is avoid them!
Your own negative thinking is ten times more damaging than any outside negative influence. It has been said that we must stand guard at the door of our mind. We may think that we are doing a good job guarding our own thoughts and yet we are bombarded with negatives from everywhere: radio, television, neighbors, family members, co-workers, etc.
We have the power to overcome these shakles. This is wehre we step up to the plate and play the game or become stadium junkies. Understand that there are no sideline games, you are either a player or a fan - your life is an occasion, rise to it! Stop feeling sorry for yourself! You are the only one that can change your attitude! Adopt an attitude of gratitude of abundance mentality and possibility thinking.
You must have resilience to overcome personal misfortunes, discouragement, rejection, negatives and disappointment. You must recognize and accept that your greatness will be made possible through the extremes that sometimes make for "campfire tales and legendary stories". You must be committed to persevere even in the face of opposition and challenge. You must be determined to apply massive common sense in solving complex issues.
I found a poem some years ago, author unknown to me, that I read often. Let me share it with you:
A man is a great as the dreams he dreams
as great as the love he bares
as great as the values he redeems
and the happiness he shares
A man is as great as the thoughts he thinks
as the work he has attained
as the fountains at which his spirit drinks
and the insight he has gained
A man is as great as the truth he speaks
as great as the help he gives
as great as the destiny he seeks
as great as the life he lives
Perseverance is a great element in success - "If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the door you are sure to wake up someone!"
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
FREEDOM, by RG Williams
Many men and women with entrepreneurial spirit set sail to discover what was "out there" beyond the water's edge. Some were looking for new and quicker ways to retrieve supplies and goods for their families and country. While others were out to stake a claim on new land for their government. What was discovered was a 'new world'. It was called a new world because it was outside of their box. As time progressed, more and more people ventured outside of the box and moved to teh new world. Why? One word - FREEDOM!
the life they were leaving in their homeland, for whatever reason, did not give them what they wanted. They looked, with visionary eyes, to what might be outside of the box for them. They took the risk and packed up everything they had, knowing there would be no turning back. They came to a land that was unfamiliar to them - harsh, barren. What they brought with them was their spirit and vision. They worked hard to shape and mold a new life. They lost loved ones, shared hardships with one common theme - FREEDOM!
They had the opportunity to create whatever they wanted, however they wanted. They knew what they had left behind and that gave them the courage, vision and power to create something new, fresh, and different. There was only one challenge... they were not the only ones to arrive in the new world. The governments of the old world wanted their influence over here as well. For some living here it was a welcome sight, a "comfort zone." For the founding forefathers it was a constant reminder of the box they had left behind.
They would meet together to discuss their visions and their future. When it was discovered what the meetings were about, they heavy hand of the old government pushed them into hiding. In their secret meetings they began to define their dreams, goals, desires, their "Life Objective". They met and eloquently put it all in writing for themselves and future generations to come. They boldly signed their names and proudly displayed their banner. They knew what they wanted adn were willing to lay everything on the line.
This caused conflict with the 'mother country', which in turn imposed laws, rules and regulations, doing anything to keep control. It was that 'everything and anything' that gave strength to our forefathers. They believed in what they stood for and stood their ground for those beliefs. When the mother country imposed taxes, they understood that they would not benefit from those taxes and rejected them. In fact, they were willing to destroy neede supplies to make their point. The historical Boston Tea Party was over one percent tax! Thomas Jefferson wrote, "If taxes should ever rise above 10 percent, the colonists should immediately overthrow the government!"
They knew what they wnated and id not rely on others to give it to them. They worked hard and paved the way for the next generation. Each generation has made their place in history, the coming of the railroad, the automobile, the airplane, the computer, space exploration, the world wide web. Over all these years we have lived in a land where the imagination knows no boundaries.
We can change our lives and then change them again. We have the freedom to live our objectives. One of the truths that has sadly been clouded is the right to be totally free! We have become slaves to different masters; money, debt, credit, taxes, laziness, and dependency on others. We live in a time when everything moves at lightning speed and we take things for granted. The space shuttle goes out and back without most knowing it. How many flights arrive and depart nationwide in a single hour? We can communicate instantly through machines over invisible air waves!
The questions then to ask are: How many of us know where we are going? How many of us belive in what we say we stand for and then stand up for those beliefs? This is America, we have a voice and yet most remain silent! we can control our future and yet we stand by and allow others to control it for us! We have created our own "mother countries" and follow their rules and guidelines. How long will we let our personal mother country impose rules and regulations upon our life?
The time has come for each and everyone of us to stand up and be heard, to boldly sign our names and proudly display our banners! Do not let this generation pass you by while you stand silent! Define your life, scream it from the mountain tops and the go live it! Have the courage, the drive and the desire for FREEDOM!
the life they were leaving in their homeland, for whatever reason, did not give them what they wanted. They looked, with visionary eyes, to what might be outside of the box for them. They took the risk and packed up everything they had, knowing there would be no turning back. They came to a land that was unfamiliar to them - harsh, barren. What they brought with them was their spirit and vision. They worked hard to shape and mold a new life. They lost loved ones, shared hardships with one common theme - FREEDOM!
They had the opportunity to create whatever they wanted, however they wanted. They knew what they had left behind and that gave them the courage, vision and power to create something new, fresh, and different. There was only one challenge... they were not the only ones to arrive in the new world. The governments of the old world wanted their influence over here as well. For some living here it was a welcome sight, a "comfort zone." For the founding forefathers it was a constant reminder of the box they had left behind.
They would meet together to discuss their visions and their future. When it was discovered what the meetings were about, they heavy hand of the old government pushed them into hiding. In their secret meetings they began to define their dreams, goals, desires, their "Life Objective". They met and eloquently put it all in writing for themselves and future generations to come. They boldly signed their names and proudly displayed their banner. They knew what they wanted adn were willing to lay everything on the line.
This caused conflict with the 'mother country', which in turn imposed laws, rules and regulations, doing anything to keep control. It was that 'everything and anything' that gave strength to our forefathers. They believed in what they stood for and stood their ground for those beliefs. When the mother country imposed taxes, they understood that they would not benefit from those taxes and rejected them. In fact, they were willing to destroy neede supplies to make their point. The historical Boston Tea Party was over one percent tax! Thomas Jefferson wrote, "If taxes should ever rise above 10 percent, the colonists should immediately overthrow the government!"
They knew what they wnated and id not rely on others to give it to them. They worked hard and paved the way for the next generation. Each generation has made their place in history, the coming of the railroad, the automobile, the airplane, the computer, space exploration, the world wide web. Over all these years we have lived in a land where the imagination knows no boundaries.
We can change our lives and then change them again. We have the freedom to live our objectives. One of the truths that has sadly been clouded is the right to be totally free! We have become slaves to different masters; money, debt, credit, taxes, laziness, and dependency on others. We live in a time when everything moves at lightning speed and we take things for granted. The space shuttle goes out and back without most knowing it. How many flights arrive and depart nationwide in a single hour? We can communicate instantly through machines over invisible air waves!
The questions then to ask are: How many of us know where we are going? How many of us belive in what we say we stand for and then stand up for those beliefs? This is America, we have a voice and yet most remain silent! we can control our future and yet we stand by and allow others to control it for us! We have created our own "mother countries" and follow their rules and guidelines. How long will we let our personal mother country impose rules and regulations upon our life?
The time has come for each and everyone of us to stand up and be heard, to boldly sign our names and proudly display our banners! Do not let this generation pass you by while you stand silent! Define your life, scream it from the mountain tops and the go live it! Have the courage, the drive and the desire for FREEDOM!
Welcome to the OFFICIAL RG WILLIAMS Mentoring Blog

You asked for it, and now you have it! RG Williams, the international author and motivational speaker is now avaliable to assist you reach your highest potential. In this forum, Mr. Williams will discuss his thoughts on the Laws of attraction and the laws of Abundance.
R.G. Williams is an International speaker, author, educational trainer, one-on-one motivational mentor and real estate investor. R.G. Williams has co-authored Rising To The Top with Jack Canfield and Jim Rohn - Success Strategies with Brain Tracy and Dr. Warren Benis. Writes monthly articles in real estate and other trade magazines.
Developed training curriculum for Creative Learning Institute, SDI International, Dr. A.D. Kessler and Real Estate Investor Support. He is a guest speaker to Investor Associations nationwide as well as real estate agencies and brokerages.
Frequently speaks on Real Estate Round Table and other sydicated television and radio shows. Nominated to "Who's Who of Professionals". R.G. Williams is the CEO of Destiny Masters Institute, Inc. (DMI) - a company dedicated to helping people understand, open and live thier destiny. DMI understands that the Law of Attraction is engaged every minute of every day in everyone's life whether they know it or not. DMI trains everyday people how to actively participate in their life and not leave it to chance.
In his book "Open Your Destiny" - R.G. details step by step how to unleash your destiny and live the life you were meant to live!
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